
Soluciones reales y fáciles de implementar / Real and easy to implement solutions

SOLUCIONES es lo que en la empresa siempre se busca.
Si las soluciones son EFECTIVAS os guiaran fácilmente a resultados REALES y si resultan fáciles de implementar de inmediato la inversión habrá valido el esfuerzo!!!

SOLUTIONS is what a company is always looking for. If the solutions are effective they will guide you in an easy way to real results and if there is possible to implement immediatelly investment would pay the effort!!

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

As an Entrepreneur myself for 30 years I know it is very important to understand the value of time and that we all have 24 hours in a day. Even if sometimes we would like to have 48 hours in a single day to be more productive.
I asked myself many times, which is the best way to free time and still be very productive. I have to admit this is one of my challenges since I am passionate of my work.

The answer was: focus, organization and systems.
These are the3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

The first insider secret, FOCUS has always been a challenge for me since I get distracted very easy and have to work against distractions. Even though I teach with great success how to get concentrated to my students it was not always easy for me and my mother always remembers she had to close the curtain of my room for me the do the homework when I was at school. I liked to see the beautiful garden of the neighbor that had a tree I loved and will never forget.  
I had to learn how to implement techniques to achieve focus, at school, college and University. I remember nobody taught me that and as well nobody teaches that in regular education nowadays as well. Such an important tool we need in our daily life to succeed!
There are many things I like to be part of, and as I have a lot of energy I always believe time is more than it really is. Today I know it is possible to change our perception of real time to free time and be productive working less. Would you like to know how? This is part of another article I will be delivering soon.
Today I have clarity and understand that to be very productive and reach my goals I have to focus. So instead of taking care of other people´s tasks I first take care of my own task in a very organized way.
It is fundamental to be very clear regarding the activities that need to be prioritized and create a “to do” list every day. The best thing I recommend is to write your “next day to do list” the night before or before going home so that the next day you know where to begin your day, even if there are going to be other tasks added to be written to your list.  Remember to add any task unfinished during the day, for the ¨next day to do list” to be able to follow up with it.
After realizing how “focus” worked and works for me my concern became “How to teach focus to the members of my team”
The first thing I did was share with them the meaning of “focus”, when I realized people do not understand meanings the same way. So it is very important to make it clear for every member of the team and share a common understanding of a meaning. This helped me clarify that we have as entrepreneurs to train our team members, to be effective and optimize the work we want to achieve as a team. It is through words we communicate and when our wording is clear the tasks can be achieved better, quicker and easier.

The second insider secret is ORGANIZATION. What does organization mean to you as an entrepreneur or Leader? When we talk about organization we think about the act of organizing, or arranging in a certain way things or items so that when we need something it will be easy to find it, as an example.
There is not just one way of organizing and each entrepreneur has to consider which would be the best way to organize items, activities, procedures to be productive, improve the processes and be more effective in less time, so more productive.
Processes can be achieved in different ways according to who is the person in charge and each person will see his environment and tasks in a different way according to his previous experiences, expertise and confidence in how it can be achieved.
It is very important to write the processes and share with the members of the team which would be the best way to achieve that process. There are always members of the team that can visualize the shorter process and others that will visualize other ways to do the same task. As soon as there is consensus on how to achieve it in an easier, short and effective way, I suggest you write the process so that no matter who will do it, the task  will be  always done the same way for anyone in charge of it.

The third insider secret is SYSTEMS. Why do we need systems for? The systems are the pieces of a puzzle toward achieving the same in less time. So Systems are a key ingredient to free time and enjoy more our daily life. When we think about systems we think about methods, processes, routines that can be defined to follow on a specific activity along the day, may be at work, may be at home may be in life, to perform something that can be a task or even to simply solve a certain problem.
To implement systems in your life as an entrepreneur or Leader with success think about the activities you develop every day and how many of them can be done easier through a system to be defined.

As an example I can share with you that every night at my home kitchen I write what I want the next day and this is easier for me to communicate with ease to the person helping me what I want and as well helps her organize her time in a way to achieve the tasks she is requested to do much easier, with clarity, understanding and confidence .

Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
"The Clarity Mentor"
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey Toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz - Bolivia

I work with Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders tired of working too hard that wish to Enjoy More Time with Family and Friends, work less and still be productive. Claim this FREE Special Report “7 Critical Secrets that will immediately create more Time, Freedom and Fun Every Day

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